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Why General Education?

Contextualizing General Education (GE) and Baccalaureate Degree (BD) Education at the University of Utah

The General Education & Baccalaureate Degree Curriculum, guided by and situated within broader systems, is codified by course designations and the five General Education Program Learning Outcomes.


AI: American InstitutionsWR: Lower Division WritingQL: Quantitative Literacy


LS: Life Science
HF: Humanities
PS: Physical Science
FF: Fine Arts
BF: Social/Behavioral Science


CW: Communication & Writing
DV: Diversity
IR: International Requirement
DI: Disciplinary Inquiry
QI: Quantitative Intensive
LR: Language Requirement



BD Requirement Assessment

learn more about the collaborate effectively learning outcome

Collaborate Effectively

learn more about the persist in addressing complex problems learning outcome

Persist in Addressing Complex Problems

learn more about the respond creatively learning outcome

Respond Creatively

learn more about reason and act ethically learning outcome

Reason & Act Ethically

learn more about the actualize and contribute learning outcome

Actualize & Contribute


To Be Determined

Apply for a GE or BD Designation

Why General Education PDF

Last Updated: 2/28/25