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Learning Outcomes Rubric:
Respond Creatively

Courses addressing this Learning Outcome focus on opportunities to explore, create, engage, and transform.


Capstone 4

Milestone 3

Milestone 2

Benchmark 1

Consider broader contexts in responding to opportunities

Creates and assesses several ways to respond in / to the opportunity in a broader context

Experiments with several ways to respond in / to the opportunity in a broader context

Acknowledges that there are several ways to view an opportunity in a broader context

Identifies an opportunity at a surface level, providing little insights and / or curiosity beyond basic facts

Explore and create multidimensional approaches to respond to opportunities

Creates and assesses a multidimensional response to an opportunity

Experiments with several responses to the opportunity each reflecting a different dimensional lens

Acknowledges that an opportunity has several dimensions

Identifies only a one dimensional response to an opportunity giving little consideration to other aspects

Explore connections with other aspects or opportunities

Creates and assesses impact of connections with and between other aspects or opportunities

Experiments with connections among several aspects or opportunities

Acknowledges several connec-tions exist between aspects and opportunities

Identifies a single connection to another aspect or opportunity

Design innovative responses with broad application

Creates and assesses innovative responses in multiple contexts and in a new form

Experiments with innovative responses in multiple applications

Acknowledges innovative responses might be used in multiple applications

Identifies responses that are well established and conventional without considering additional applications

Last Updated: 3/11/24