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Advising Resources

What-if Degree Audit

To generate a Degree Audit for the new General Education and Baccalaureate Degree Requirements complete the following steps, or visit this page for more details:

    1. Click on the "Degree Audit" icon in CIS
    2. Click on "Run Audit"
    3. Click on "Not Declared? Exploring? Run a What-if Audit"
    4. Select "General Education" from "College/Audit Type" drop down
    5. Select "General Education NEW" from "Major/Area of Study" drop down
    6. Select "No Degree" from "Credential Type" drop down
    7. Click on "Run Selected What-if Audit"

Advising Over AY 2023-24

Although current students will not be able to transition to the new structure until Fall 2024, it is appropriate and important to advise current students considering the new structure. Doing so now will reduce frustration from students and, hopefully, prevent them from taking unnecessary credits in terms of the requirements moving forward. Academic advisors should document communication with students about the changing requirement structure, noting the following on student education records.

Until the campus-wide transition to the EAB platform, advisors should use advising notes in PeopleSoft

  • Indicate when you share information about the new structure with the student.
  • Outline any specific information or recommendations intended to assist students in navigating and completing their GE and BD requirements, including specific requirements/ courses.
  • To support academic planning, you can provide students with the GE and BD Requirement Worksheet Inform students who wish to move to the new requirement structure they will need to meet with an advisor in Fall 2024 to initiate the transition
Last Updated: 3/11/24