Baccalaureate Degree Courses
Communication & Writing | Diversity | International | Quantitative Intensive | Language Requirement
Communication & Writing
1 Course Needed
The upper-division communication/writing requirement provides students advanced instruction in speaking and writing to enhance success in the major and in a career after graduation.
1 Course Needed
The diversity requirement reflects the University’s commitment to proactively support a positive campus climate in regard to diversity, equity, ability status and inclusion.
1 Course Needed
The international requirement exposes students to a broad base of knowledge about global issues and perspectives in a comparative context by exploring big questions both contemporary and enduring.
Quantitative Intensive
2 Courses Needed
The quantitative intensive requirement builds upon students’ prior quantitative foundations by further developing analytic reasoning skills and deepening knowledge of quantitative methods that are specific to a particular discipline and a career after graduation.
Language Requirement
2 years needed
Students must complete course work equivalent to at least fourth semester (2020 level) competency in either a foreign language or sign language.